Combine Device with REASON Combinator

Combine Device with Combinator

In reason software can combine many devices as a one device (Instruments, Effects etc). Using by this method you can create new sounds, modify sounds or complex effect chains and it can save as a combinator patch.

First crate a combinator from create menu. This will create an empty Combinator device. then click in the empty space at the bottom of the Combinator so that a red line appears. Go to the create menu and create a liner mixer(note: If you wish  to combine only effect device dot create a mixer )  Add any number of instrument devices  (Subtractors, NN-XTs etc) and some effect devices you wish ( Reverb, Digital delay line, Phaser etc).
Setting device controllers you want
and save it as combinator patch. (Use the Combinator save patch button to save patch) 

For example (New sound)

Create a combinator and click in the empty space at the bottom of the Combinator so that a red line appears.
Create a liner mixer.
Create a NN 19 Digital sampler and load in to HEAVYGTR patch
Create a PH 90 Phaser
Create a SubTractor and load in to Hip Hop Lead patch
Create a RV 7 Digital Reverb

Open the sequencer window and play this new sample sound.